In the neighborhood

RippeyPlease send your news item to Jean Borgeson at

Sept. 7, 2015

Rippey Lions club begins fall season: The Rippey Lions Club met for its first meeting this fall Sept. 3. Lions Club members and guests enjoyed meat cooked over the grill and a potluck meal.

President Dick Bardole opened the short business meeting with introductions of members and guests. The membership list and program schedule for the coming year were circulated for additions and corrections. Dates for the father-son banquet, fundraisers and other activities were shared.

The next regular meeting will be Sept. 17 with the meal served by women from the Rippey United Methodist Church. The group meets on the first and third Thursdays at the Rippey United Methodist Church. For more information about the Rippey Lions club, call Nancy Hanaman, 515-436-7684.

News in and around Rippey: Phil and Toni Roberts spent Monday and Wednesday a week ago in Perry and Des Moines for several doctor appointments. This seems to be an altogether too common an activity for people their age-although it does get them out of the house!

Sunday was a more enjoyable trip. They traveled to Algona to see Toni’s sister Joyce Macek. Joyce is a resident of Huskamp Assisted Living Center. The afternoon was spent visiting and also time admiring the flower garden and terrace there since the weather was so beautiful. On the way they noticed the large farm ponds and full ditches around the Harcourt/Dayton area due to heavy rainfall earlier in the week. They were thankful this part of the state got a reprieve from such a deluge.

Mr Rippey comes to Rippey: Jim Rippey from Trinity, TX, stopped at the Rippey library this week. Nancy and Dale Hanaman were at the Library when Mr Rippey and Dan Brubaker were in the building looking for a copy of a Rippey history book. Jim Rippey lived in the Winterset for many years and still has family there. He was curious about the town with his family name. He was not aware of his connection with Judge Robert M. Rippey, the surveyor, judge and Civil War veteran for whom Rippey is named. Nancy talked with him about Judge Rippey’s background and by looking in the gray Rippey history book shared that the Judge’s grave is right inside the Jefferson cemetery. With the help of Dan’s direction, he set off for Jefferson to visit the grave and to see the pedestal dedicated to Judge Robert Rippey on the south side of the courthouse square. Nancy will send him additional information about Judge Rippey.

Moving time: Dale and Nancy Hanaman journeyed to Superior, WI, to assist their daughter’s family to move to a new house three blocks from their old one. With the help of the Faith UMC youth group, Sarah’s brother Matthew, and other friends most of the boxes were moved in a few hours last Saturday. Dale and a friend of the family put Andrea and Elizabeth’s bunk beds together. Nancy assisted Sarah and friends to unpack the kitchen boxes and made trips to the grocery store and other locations. Nancy and Dale enjoyed the time with Sarah and Benji, Steven, Elizabeth and Andrea.

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